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All posts by: Scott Wright

If your small business isn’t quite as successful as you’d envisioned, try not to become discouraged. The problem could be the result of any of several common mistakes that can be corrected. Before you implement any kind of drastic move,...
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If you own or run a business that requires safety equipment, providing the right equipment to your employees is a vital aspect of keeping your business (and your workers!) alive. In some cases, the failure to do so could cause...
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How Effective Inventory Management can Increase Your Cash Flow Efficient management of your inventory will go a long way towards optimizing your cash flow. An inventory management system that works well will efficiently organize and track your products, reducing the...
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Real estate asset protection is a favorite strategy of effective real estate investors. It is essentially using every effective rule and legal tool available to give yourself maximum leverage should you find yourself in a lawsuit. There are several options...
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      Being a landlord is challenging, as there are many aspects involved. In addition, there is the choosing between whether you want to be a residential landlord or commercial landlord, as each come with their own array of...
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Profit Isn’t Everything – How to Build a Sustainable Business If you are running a business, you may think that the only goal is to make a profit, but, making money aside, you also need to identify your business’s specific...
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Cost Cutting Measures to Become a More Profitable Business If you are involved in running a business, you know how hard it is to be successful and make a profit. Therefore, it’s essential to learn how to increase your revenue...
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Small business owners try to do as much as they can. Whether this is due to a lack of funds to hire help or just a desire to maintain control, it’s understandable that you try to be a jack-of-all-trades. There...
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When you’re a small business owner, you don’t have any time to waste. There’s a million things to do, a million things on your mind, and simply not enough hours in the day. But implementing these time management techniques will...
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When just starting out, many newly established business owners are fairly certain they have all the tools and funding they need to succeed. While that may be true in some respects, what some don’t realize is that there are also...
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