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All posts by: Scott Wright

If you lost your property in a natural disaster, you may be eligible for disaster assistance SBA loans. These loans can help you fill the gap that your insurance won’t pay. Here’s what you need to know about these loans....
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Medical practice acquisitions are on the rise in no small part due to the implementation of the Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act. Whether you represent a hospital that wants to acquire a primary care patient practice or a primary...
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Most entrepreneurs are self-starters by nature, but that doesn’t make a strong network of colleagues and professional connections any less important. Networking isn’t just a terrific way to connect with other like-minded individuals either. It can be phenomenally good for...
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“Go west, young man,” may be just as appropriately uttered concerning today’s commercial real estate market as it was when originally penned in the mid-nineteenth century. The best areas for a likely return on investment seem to be located mostly...
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Real estate investment involves understanding how to market your asset when it’s time to sell it for a return. That’s just one of the ways it remains distinct from other kinds of investment. After all, when you’re looking to sell...
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No matter what kind of business you own, you will need some kind of equipment. Conventional wisdom might have you believe that you should spend the money to buy brand new equipment, but it might be in your best interest...
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No matter the timeframe of your journey through owning a small business, surrounding yourself with a support group is always a good idea. There will always be those that laugh at your ideas for success, and the key to actually...
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One of the biggest problems faced by small businesses is maintaining a steady cash flow, since expenses such as payroll, vendor supplies, and building overhead simply do not wait until incoming revenue is available. It’s no exaggeration to say that...
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Running a small business by yourself can be very rewarding, but expanding without hiring additional help is a challenge. However, it is not impossible. If you want to expand your small business without taking on additional employees, consider these helpful...
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While people not involved in the real estate business may never have heard of blanket loans, it’s a term well known among real estate professionals, the practice having been around for several decades. As the name suggests, blanket loans come...
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